Ode To Future


Odetofuture celebrates a lifestyle of sustainability!

Sustainability is a critical issue for our planet’s health and well-being. Climate change, environmental degradation, and resource depletion are some of the major challenges that we face today.

Translating our intent to do good for the environment is not always easy to translate into action. By making one change daily, we can change our lifestyle with environment-friendly habits.

While implementing these changes, Odetofuture has introduced Mineral-paper derived from inorganic minerals sourced from calcite rocks, which does not use wood pulp as its raw material. The technology and resources used to produce these mineral paper products, do not pollute air or water and use no chemicals. Moreover, the soft, waterproof, tearproof sheets are much smoother and enhance the experience of writing.

Being a resilient, self-starter who passionately believes in sustainable living, and after spending 20 years globally in corporate retail, I wish to drive this mission and make everyone I meet, a partner in my sustainable journey!

The challenge is huge, but what’s not hard is not fun!


“Help us build a Green Future. There is no PLANet B”

Kavita Arora


What We Offer

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Wedding Photography

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Studio Sessions

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Wedding Photography

Residence certainly elsewhere something she preferred cordially law. Age his surprise formerly.

Retouch Photo

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Wedding Day

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