Ode To Future


Due to its easy formability and foldability as well as the extremely high-quality look and feel, OTF mineral paper is comparable to classic paper.

OTF mineral paper products are completely free of wood pulp no trees need to be felled during the manufacturing process. Inorganic mineral powder is used as the main material, and the manufacturing process does not pollute water sources and has no poisonous gas. The discarded paper will naturally decompose after long-term sunlight exposure or can be simply recycled.

Yes. Most water-based inks work well, although some gel inks may take a minute or two to dry completely.

Mineral paper can be printed just as conventional cellulose paper; in fact, it needs less ink. Offset, Digital and UV printing are recommended for printing mineral paper. Laser printers or toner printers are rather unsuitable because they often develop strong heat. Mineral paper starts to deform at 65 degrees Celsius.

No. The mineral paper can be used only for inkjet printers. Therefore, please do not use it in other office equipment.

A big advantage of mineral paper is that it does not become yellow with time. Even without the use of bleach, it is beautifully white and remains so. Moisture cannot harm the material. That is why the ‘OTF mineral paper’ can in principle last forever, unless it is exposed to permanent sunlight, because under prolonged sunlight, stone paper will decompose after a few months.

Mineral paper consists of the following components only – Calcium carbonate and high-density polyethylene. If it is no longer needed, there are various disposal options. It can dissolve under constant sunlight after a few months (depending on the type of product) and after about a year it will be dissolved into dust completely – like eggshells. It can also be burnt without creating toxic gases. For this reason, it is particularly suitable for the typical consumer product carrier bags.

Mineral paper is more environmental-friendly and sustainable than recycled paper. Though no fresh fibers are needed to recycle paper, but a lot of drinking water, bleach, and other chemicals are required and there is still a lot of waste produced, more than in the production of virgin fiber paper. Moreover, because of its appearance, texture, and price, recycled paper is not suitable for all applications

Mineral paper can be written on and gives a completely new writing sensation, as the pen – regardless of whether it is a gel pens, roller ball pens or even ballpoints and even a pencil – floats over the paper. The reason for this is the velvety, smooth texture surface. Compared to conventional paper, mineral paper is fiber-free.

However, be wary of fountain pens and felt tips. Depending on the construction of the tip, users may need to alter the grip, angle, or how hard they press down.

Since there are no fibers in mineral paper, pencil marks erase much easier and unlike some low-quality papers. We recommend not to sharpen too much though, as the pencil may grab onto the paper like piercing with a needle.

Mineral paper is suited better for outdoor use than any other paper product. It is water-repellent and can therefore also be used in rain. It is flame-retardant and is believed to withstand temperatures of up to 65 degrees Celsius and -40 degrees Celsius.

This paper-replacement product contains no cellulose and is 100 percent Tree Free! Not a single tree is cut down in the production process and rather uses calcium carbonate from lime quarries Due to its paper alike look such as its sphere of application, the product is called mineral paper as the main raw material used is – Calcium carbonate, which is the one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and accounts for 4 % of the Earth’s crust. And because no tree is cut down, it is more environmental-friendly than cellulose paper.

No, Mineral paper is not poisonous at all. It is even certified for food. No bleaching agents, alkalis or other chemicals are used in the production process. It contains no plasticizers like many plastics. The only constituents of mineral paper are limestone and environmental-friendly HD polyethylene. The latter is produced by the polymerization of ethene – a gas which is released from various types of fruits.

You can buy these products from our website Odetothefuture.com


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